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Jobs at Aberdeenshire Council

ASL Teachers – Inverurie Cluster, Aberdeenshire

We are looking for enthusiastic people who are committed to solution focussed partnership working, and who are excited about making a real difference to the learning journey of our young people.

The Inverurie ASL team are a large and flexible staff team. We support our team members to work in areas that they enjoy, whilst providing challenges that ensure skills development and grow. A strong commitment to team work is vital. You’ll work closely with pupils, class teachers, parents/carers, multi-agency partners and charities to provide effective supports for our young people.

As an ASL teacher you will work with a wide range of students from the most vulnerable to the most talented, aged from P1 – S6.

Interests and experience in a range of specialisms are welcome, and team members will be given every opportunity to develop a wide range of knowledge and skills through training courses, from informal to those accredited by HE establishments.



Contracts for our ASL posts cover the whole cluster rather than one school, allowing greater flexibility to the support we provide to our learners.  We pride ourselves on operating successfully as individual school teams, as well as across the whole cluster. Over the last few years we’ve worked hard to bring our ASL cluster team together at key points in order to share ways of working, resources, and ideas. The successful candidates would have the chance to contribute to this network becoming even stronger, as well as being a part of the life of one or two of our cluster schools.

Candidates who wish to work on a full or part time basis are welcome to apply. We will find a working pattern that suits candidates who bring the enthusiasm and skills that we need.



Working in and around Inverurie

Inverurie is an exciting town to be associated with. A new Academy is expected to open in 2020, and the town is expanding thanks to the growth of new housing. The local business improvement district is active, and there are regular town events which provide plenty of opportunities for leisure and socialising out with the school day. Inverurie has excellent public transport links as well as a great road network which enables easy access to our schools.

With a beautiful backdrop of the Grampian mountains and a commutable distance from Angus and Moray, you may want to consider relocating to the local area to take up this position with Aberdeenshire Council. If you do it is worth bearing in mind that you will receive an upfront payment of £5k settling in allowance as part of an overall relocation package of up to £8k (subject to criteria).  Full details of the Relocation Incentive Scheme Procedure.

Inverurie is central to Aberdeenshire, and we have a vast range of learning opportunities available to us – we work flexibly to create the right pathway through this for each student, and keeping their individual needs at the centre of what we do is very important.

View the Job Profile for Teachers – Job Profile Teacher

Working in Aberdeenshire feels like painting on a blank canvas…I’ve been allowed to explore and experiment with different techniques to develop my skill set, which I’ve then had opportunity to share with my colleagues in formal and informal settings.  Working as a Teacher in Aberdeenshire is stimulating and the supportive environment continues to push me to be the best I can be. The determination and stamina of the workforce here is contagious and has encouraged me to do my best!” – Chris, Teacher

Living in Aberdeenshire

Enjoy work, enjoy life. Making a move in your career isn’t just about getting a new job, it’s about making more of life. Whether you enjoy the outdoors and quiet country living or enjoy bustling city life, with 2,500 square miles of sprawling country side, an array of seaside towns and Aberdeen City on your doorstep, in Aberdeenshire you can do just that. No matter where you’re placed, you’re never going to be far from open country and the North East coastline. If you prefer to live in the heart of the city, you’ll find a huge variety of shopping centres, cafes and restaurants, not to mention theatres and cinemas. Glasgow, Edinburgh and Inverness are a 2 hour journey away.

Informal enquiries: Dawn Lynch

To apply for this full time vacancy click HERE

To apply for the part time vacancy click HERE