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Jobs at Aberdeenshire Council

School Volunteers



Are you interested in supporting the next generation of adults to learn and develop? Do you have an interest in education in Aberdeenshire’s schools and have a bit of time to spare? Schools appreciate voluntary help from parents, grandparents and members of the local community.

What are we looking for?

Volunteering in schools can come in many forms, like  for example helping young children with aspects of their learning. You don’t have to be a teacher in a school to make a valuable contribution. You may have useful skills or experience that schools can use to enhance learning and teaching.



There are a variety of ways you can volunteer in schools

  • Help in the school library
  • Support pupils in the upkeep of the school garden
  • You can also be involved, under the supervision and guidance of the teacher, in supporting learning in classes with groups or individual pupils.

This may include:

  • Helping young people learn to play and share in games
  • Talking to young people about what they are learning
  • Supporting young people in practising an aspect of their learning eg reading, maths, art
  • Supporting young people to use digital tools in their learning
  • Talking to young people about your job
  • Supporting lunchtime/after school activities like Young Engineer Clubs, cycle training



What will I get?

Support and guidance about your volunteering role and what is expected of you will be provided by the Head Teacher/class teacher.

Sign me up!

All volunteers will be required to be enrolled through our Aberdeenshire Council’s volunteer policy and pre-enrolment checks.

If you would like to find out more please contact the Head Teacher directly of the school you wish to volunteer at.