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Jobs at Aberdeenshire Council

Secondary Teaching


With 17 secondary schools serving 14,000 students across the S1 to S6 age groups, our roll size range from 600 to 1500 pupils.


Secondary pupilsLending ourselves to outdoor learning, the environments you’ll find yourself teaching in will not only energise you, but your pupils too. You’ll find that personal and professional life go hand in hand, developing and delivering education in innovative ways. We encourage our staff to push themselves in an environment of friendly, considerate and well-mannered pupils.

Working in Aberdeenshire feels like painting on a blank canvas…I’ve been allowed to explore and experiment with different techniques to develop my skill set, which I’ve then had opportunity to share with my colleagues in formal and informal settings.  Working as a Teacher in Aberdeenshire is stimulating and the supportive environment continues to push me to be the best I can be. The determination and stamina of the workforce here is contagious and has encouraged me to do my best!” – Chris, Teacher



There are a huge range of subjects you can teach at secondary level in Scotland, find out more here.


We currently have a number of vacancies across a wide range of our Secondary Schools and would welcome an application from you to come join us in Aberdeenshire:

To see current Secondary Teaching vacancies

We also offer the opportunity of combining part-time roles across schools to enable a full-time position.

View a full list of our secondary schools

For more information about a career Teaching in Aberdeenshire